Sunday, September 13, 2009

Are we being forgetful -- or is it something worse?

I've had a few brain freezes lately. You know the type. I couldn't remember a woman's name who I've worked with for years and I've struggled for a word occasionally to describe something. I've done this in the past, but I'm wondering now if there's something more to it.

Is this what happens when you hit 60? Self-doubt creeps in when you have a momentary mental lapse? I hope not, but I do joke about whether this is early stages of Alzheimer's. Maybe I should track these incidents to see if there's a pattern.

A friend said I've had a stressful week and I was probably on brain overload. Maybe, but what if that's not it?

In a post earlier this month, I wrote about a study concluding that moderate drinking helps stave off Alzheimer's. I stopped drinking a few years ago for health reasons, and thought maybe I should take it up again if it will help me remember. But does that make sense? I thought drinking killed brain cells.

So I'm 31 days from 60 and wondering if I'm losing it. It's one of those things you think about as you get older. Sort of like paying more attention to the obituary page because you start seeing friends in there -- instead of friends' parents.

Now what was I writing about?


  1. I think you're just being paranoid. Memory lapses can be caused by many things, including too much stuffed into the brain on a particular day, not enough sleep, stress caused by family issues. . . But it's good to recognize these incidences and work to resolve them before they become a big problem.

  2. I think it's a healthy paranoia though~I notice it's happening to me more and more and I'm on a countdown to turning 52! :)

  3. Memory lapses happen to me every hour of every day, and I'm a LOT younger than you.

  4. CaliCook, You are a lot younger and a lot better looking. . . Memory is overrated.
