I'm not alone in turning 60 today. The U.S. Census Bureau says 7,918 Americans turn 60 every day. Wow. There are a lot of us, and every day there are more. Baby boomers -- those born between 1946 and 1964 -- are aging rapidly. But we're trying to stay fit. The Census Bureau also reports that there are 27,813 fitness and recreation centers nationwide, and most are catering to baby boomers. It's a good market for them.

I'll be spending more time at the gym, and working on staying healthy. I'm committed to keeping that promise, and this public proclamation puts that much more pressure on me to live up to this goal. I'll continue to train on the shot put, with a goal of competing in a seniors track meet.
This morning, Jill bought me my "Old Guys Rule" T-shirt. That's also a public acknowledgement of accepting my age. This one is a John Wayne version. It says,"Old Guys Rule" and then has this quote from John Wayne: "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it."
Good advice for a 60-year-old. Good advice for all of us, as we confront our daily challenges.
I also had my picture taken outside the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, just like thousands of other Cannery Row tourists do each day. Forrest Gump offered a great suggestion for living: "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
I'll be sampling life's chocolates, as I move through my 60s. I'm not sure what is out there, but I'm ready for it. I hope.
So~you finally made it and you say you feel different...Better! You are an inspiration for your "younger" dedicated friends! 60! 60! 60! Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a lad back in the day I used to think 35 was old because all my senior officers (Majors, Lieutenant Colonels, Colonels) were 35 or older.
ReplyDeleteNow, I'm 60, my son is 43, and I sit across the breakfast table from 65 every morning and you what, it doesn't seem so bad...enjoy every minute of it because if you play your cards right it can be just like being a teenager again-only smarter!
John Wayne was a wise man. But it's a lot easier to face trouble when you have a six-shooter on your hip.
ReplyDeleteYou make turning 60 look easy. Happy Birthday Jim. And it's true... old guys DO rule!
I agree with the above commenters. Your blog has been inspirational to those of us who have already hit that milestone. Although turning 60 can be traumatic, it is in actuality a great time of your life. Enjoy it -- and it appears that you are. So "Cheers" to 60 and beyond.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a very inspirational blog for me. I hope it doesn't end now that you've turned 60.
ReplyDeleteI love John Wayne quotes. He was the Man.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on Surviving Turning 60. . . Now how about that shot put distance? We haven't heard much about that endeavor lately.
ReplyDeleteI love the photo of you in front of the Bubba Gump restaurant, with you in Forrest's shoes and a suitcase and a box of chocolates next to you. This is a typical tourist photo, and you look so comfortable sitting there as an aging tourist. LOL. But I think you need to get a tan on those 60-year-old legs.
ReplyDeleteExcuuuuse me! Old guys do NOT rule! Old GIRLS rule! Just wait til March 7 and see for yourself what happens! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteDude, where's my blood pressure medicine? Dude, that music is too loud. Dude, I can't stay up until 10 o'clock to see that show. Dude, you are 60. Dude, say good night. Good night, Dude.
ReplyDeleteI think that turning 60 is different from the other milestones because there is suddenly the realization that you're almost on Social Security, and we've always thought that was for our grandparents. Now we are there, and WE are the grandparents. Oh, my. . . yes we are old and we need to make the best of it.
ReplyDeleteI have the same picture of Kent in Kona. Maybe we should all send you our pictures that we have like yours.
ReplyDeleteI think the photo outside Bubba Gumps is very appropriate. Life is like a box of chocolates. Thanks for keeping us informed on your journey to age 60. I'm almost there and this has made it a bit easier. I know what to expect -- early bird discounts, senior pricing and not being able to sleep through the night.
ReplyDeleteYeah! How is that shot put training coming along?
ReplyDeleteHey, Opinionman. We haven't heard from you since the day you turned 60. Has the arthritis stiffened your fingers so much you can't type, or has your eyesight gotten so bad that you can't see the keyboard? Or, is it that you just can't pull yourself up out of the recliner? Are you even still alive?
ReplyDeleteOK, friends. I took a week off from blogging to figure out the next part of this journey. As you can see from Sunday's post, I will be updating you on my shot put training. I'm feeeling great and loving being 60. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and the encouragement along my journey to 60. You have been so very kind. I am blessed with so many friends. Thank you.
ReplyDeletewhere have you been??????????
ReplyDeleteDid you die????????????