As I mentioned earlier this week, I've decided to see if I can compete in seniors track and field competitions in the shot put. There's a 60-65 age group so I'd be the youngest in my division. I hope that helps me in the competition, although this event is new to me.
I'm not sure what I'm trying to prove, other than I can toss a 12-pound metal ball a certain distance. But I'm very competitive, and when I take something on, I want to do it well. We'll see if I can master an event that takes coordination and strength.
Unfortunately, my shot-putting technique is terrible right now, and I'm a long way from being what I would call competitive in this sport. But I'm going to see a guy who once coached shot putters. I hope he takes me -- even if it's only for 30 minutes.
I've set up a crude shot-put area in my back yard. I mark the distance with a tape measure and I've driven a stake into the ground marking my best throw so far. I'm making progress, but is my arm ever sore. And you should see the dents in the lawn that the 12-pound ball makes. It lands with a thump and makes a nice semi-circle.
I've checked out the competition on the Internet and I'm very impressed with the folks who participate in this event. It appears that I need to be in the 36-foot range to be even competitive and I'll need to hit about 42 feet to have a chance of placing. My best toss so far is 25 feet, 10 inches. That's a one-foot improvement over Saturday.
This means I'm off at least 10 feet on my first goal and 16 feet on the second one. I don't know if I can close the gap, but I'm going to try. There's a meet in San Diego next month and one in Las Vegas in October. San Diego is too soon, although I might try it just to get used to the competition. Heck, I don't even know the rules, other than you must leave the shot put circle out the back. It's a foul if you go out the front.
Keep us informed of your progress, inch by inch.